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The Golden Cage

I'm established here
In the United States
Ten years have passed
Since I crossed as a wetback
With no proper documents
I'm still an illegal
I have my wife and children
Whom I brought when they were young
And they've already forgotten
My beloved Mexico
Which I can never forget
And cannot return to
What's money good for
If I live like a prisoner
In this great nation
When I'm reminded of this, I cry
Although this cage is made of gold
It's still a prison
Listen son,
Would you like to go back and live in Mexico?
"What are you talking about dad?
I don't want to go back to Mexico,
No way dad."
My kids don't speak to me
They've learned another language
And they've forgotten Spanish
They think like Americans
They deny that they're Mexicans
Though they have my skin color
From work to my house
I don't know what's going on with me
Although I'm the head of the household
I almost never go out
Because I'm afraid that they'll catch me
And deport me
What's money good for
If I live like a prisoner
In this great nation
When I'm reminded of this, I cry
Although this cage is made of gold
It's still a prison
Оригинални текстови

La jaula de oro

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davidlorenzo41davidlorenzo41    Недеља, 19/02/2012 - 03:10

Excellent translation. It really captures the essence of the song.