Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Станите уз Украјину!
  • Please, Please, Please → превод на енглески

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Please, Please, Please

Excuse me if I'm intruding
It wasn't at all my intention to come by
But by chance
I have no sense of geography at all
It's so cold outside in the rain and wind
When you're always the unexpected and unwanted guest
Saying please
Can't I be one of those you say you like, please?
Please, please
One of those you'll invite over for a beer on a Summer day
Somewhere within, I want to say
There's no cow on the ice, only one or ten1
Hiding behind my
Kind of strange and neurotic smile
Saying please
Can't I be one of those you say you like, please?
Please, please
Thaw my ice
  • 1. "There's no cow on the ice" is a Danish saying meaning that there's no danger.
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Please, Please, Please

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