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  • Sedmina

    Magdalena → превод на енглески

  • 2 превода
    енглески, руски
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Tam na robu gozda, kjer je brezov log,
stoji kamnita hiša s cvetjem naokrog.
Lepa Magdalena sama tam živi
noč obrne ure in ona zamiži.
Prišel je njen ljubi prav iz dna srca,
prinesel ji je rože z groba utrgane.
Krvavo rdeče rože in flavto iz kosti
za svojo Magdaleno, ki čaka in gori.
Lepa Magdalena je razpletla kiti dve,
razprla je kolena in dvignila dlani.
Zvonovi so prinesli slike skozi čas,
vso noč je ogenj božal bel kamnit obraz.
Nizko so šle megle prav v brezov gaj
in vlekle na ušesa šepet smeh in stok.
Do jutra, ko je v vrtu zakikirikal dan,
do ure, ko je vstala Magdalena iz sanj.
Nori psi so lajali in kazali za njo,
a lepa Magdalena ni slišala besed.
Piskala je pesmi na flavto iz kosti,
za ljubega, ki v grobu pod vekami leži.
Vstajal je njen dragi tri leta vsako noč,
Iz krste v njeni glavi, zavit v satenast prt.
Ni slišal modrih sov, ne bobnanja dežja,
ne vetra , kiv noči goni konje prek neba.
Inslep ni videl časov, ki so gaj prišli
in v njej raztrgali mir in sveto ime.
Odplazil se je v dušo v najtemnejši kot,
izdala ga je draga kot juda iškariot.
Nizko so šle megle prav v brezov gaj
in vlekle na ušesa šepet in smeh in stok.
Do jutra, ko je v vrtu zakikirikal dan,
do ure, ko je vstala Magdalena iz sanj.
Taovi so hodili in kradli vsak večer,
A pravi ljubi njen ni nikdar več prišel
Nori psi so lajali in kazali za njo
in lepi Magdaleni je bilo hudo.
Leta so minila, posušil se je obraz.
Čas odpada z brez prihaja zima in mraz.
Stara Magdalena pa s flavto iz kosti
piska in gleda v noč, dokler se ne zdani.


There on the edge of the forest where the birch grove is
stands a stone house with flowers all around
the beautiful Magdalena lives there alone
the night turns the hours and she closes her eyes
Her love came right from the bottom of the heart
he brought her flowers picked from a grave
blood red flowers and a flute made of bones
for his Magdalena that waits and burns
Beautiful Magdalena let loose two braids
opened her knees and raised her palms
the bells brought pictures through the time
the whole night the flame caressed a white stony face
The fogs went low in the birch grove
and dragged whispers, laughter and wailing to the ears
until morning when the day sounded
until morning when Magdalena woke from dreams
Mad dogs barked and pointed after her
but beautiful Magdalena didn't hear the words
she played songs on the flute made of bones
for her love that lies in a grave under eyelids
her dear rose every night for three years
From his coffin wrapped in a satin cloth in her head
he heard neither the wise owls nor the drumming of rain
nor the wind that drives horses through the sky at night
and blind he did not see the seasons that come to the grove
And tore the peace and holy name in her
he crawled into the darkest corner of his soul
his dear betrayed him like Judas Iscariot
the fogs went low right in the birch clove
And dragged whispers, laughter and wailing to the ears
until morning when the day sounded
until morning when Magdalena woke from dreams
thieves sneaked around and stole every night
But her real love never came back
mad dogs barked and pointed after her
and it was bad for beautiful Magdalena
the years passed and her face became dry
Time wastes away from the birches, winter and the cold is coming
and old Magdalena on the flute made of bones
plays and stares into the night until daybreak
Sedmina: Топ 3