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An Roghainn Dàin do Eimhir XXII

Choisich mi cuide ri mo thuigse
a-muigh ri taobh a’ chuain;
bha sinn còmhla ach bha ise
a’ fuireach tiotan bhuam.
An sin thionndaidh i ag ràdha:
A bheil e fìor gun cual
thu gu bheil do ghaol geal àlainn
a’ pòsadh tràth Diluain?
Bhac mi ‘n cridhe bha ‘g èirigh
‘nam bhroilleach reubte luath
is thubhairt mi: Tha mi cinnteach;
carson bu bhreug e bhuam?
Ciamar a smaoinichinn gun glacainn
an rionnag leugach òir,
gum beirinn oirre ‘s gun cuirinn i
gu ciallach ‘na mo phòc?
Cha d’ ghabh mise bàs croinn-ceusaidh
an èiginn chruaidh na Spàinn
is ciamar sin bhiodh dùil agam
ri aon duais ùir an dàin?
Cha do lean mi ach an t-slighe chrìon
bheag ìosal thioram thlàth,
is ciamar sin a choinnichinn
ri beithir-theine ghràidh?
Ach nan robh ‘n roghainn rithist dhomh
‘s mi ‘m sheasamh air an àird,
leumainn à neamh no iutharna
le spiorad ‘s cridhe slàn.

The Choice (Poem for Eimhir*)

I walked with my reason
out beside the sea.
We were together but it was
keeping a little distance from me.
Then it turned saying:
is it true you heard
that your beautiful white love
is getting married early on Monday?
I checked the heart that was rising
in my torn swift breast
and I said: most likely;
why should I lie about it?
How should I think that I would grab
the radiant golden star,
that I would catch it and
put it prudently in my pocket
I did not take a cross’s death
in the hard extremity of Spain
and how then should I expect
the one new prize of fate?
I followed only a way
that was small, mean, low, dry, lukewarm,
and how then should I meet
the thunderbolt of love?
But if I had the choice again
and stood on that headland,
I would leap from heaven or hell
with a whole spirit and heart.
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michealtmichealt    Уторак, 30/01/2018 - 01:16

Thanks for bringing this song onto the site.

But showing this translation as Arabic is somewhat crazy - it's clearly English. Please fix that - just click edit and change the language (I can't do it for you as I'm not a moderator or an admin).

I was glad to see "Poem for Eimhir" in the title instead of "Poem to Eimhir" - clearly you do speak the language, as most people (including some who certainly should know better) get that wrong. And as there are so few people here who speak the language at all I hope to see more Gaelic songs from you plus your translations for them.

Is the English translation your own? It looks like the one on a lot of internet lyrics sites, if you got it from there you should indicate that on the translation page by providing a link to the one you got it from. If those sites got it from you, then say so in an author's comment on your translation - it will boost your image to have done a widely copied translation.

There are some errors in the translation - I see you have studied French, so maybe my French translation of the song can act as a guide; and if you disagree with my interpretation there, let me know - I don't claim to be infallible.

michealtmichealt    Понедељак, 19/03/2018 - 10:11

I noticed belatedly that this is Sorley MacLean's own English adaptation of his poem - so the "errors" are not errors, but poetical decisions. Poetic adaptations even to a slightly different language almost never can be literal translations, and with languages as different as English and Gaelic it is absolutely inevitable there will be differences in meaning if the metre is to be preserved.