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  • Marco Antonio Solís

    Tu Mirada En La Mia → превод на енглески

  • 2 превода
    енглески, хинди
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Your Look On Mine

You caresses remained asleep on my skin
And your kisses slept
Here in my mouth
Here in my mouth
I keep on lulling it over
and clearing illusions
so you do not wake up
And abandon me
And abandon me
You must be there where I longed for this
With the promise of a better future
With the awareness of knowing myself resigned at last
Nonetheless it is here with me
Your look on mine
And in my chest the sound
Of your joy
OF your joy
(Repeat chorus)
You never left my soul
And in your look you will see mine
In your look you will see mine
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Tu Mirada En La Mia

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Carlooz CàzaresCarlooz Càzares    Недеља, 16/04/2017 - 17:47


the lyrics for this song are kinda messed up

quieran ---> quedaron
arrollando ----> arrullando
estar ---> está

I already requested those words to be changed on the original lyrics
once they get corrected, you can add:

Se quedaron dormidas en mi piel tus caricias ---> Your caresses fell asleep on my skin

Yo lo sigo arrullando----> And I am still lulling

Mas está aquí conmigo tu mirada en la mia-----> nonetheless its with me, your look on mine

So once you edit the song, I can take a look on the translation