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  • İbrahim Tatlıses

    Gurbet treni → Arapça çevirisi

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قطار الغربة

اغنية قطار الغربة
كنا سعداء معا
لماذا حصل هذا الفراق
قطار الغربة الظالم من يداي اخذك
لم اعد اصبر
ارجع يا قطار الغربة
ارجع وأعد لي خبر من حبيبي يا قطار الغربة
بداخلي شوق خففه يا قطار الغربة
بداخلي نار اطفئه يا قطار الغربة
مضت السنين ولم يبعث خبر عنه ارجع ايها القطار وقلي حبيبي لماذا لم يعد
Orijinal şarkı sözleri

Gurbet treni

şarkı sözleri (Türkçe)

İbrahim Tatlıses: En İyi 3
RobinKRobinK    Cmt, 21/11/2015 - 21:44

The lyrics to this song are in Turkish, but it says they're in Arabic. Could someone please change the language to Turkish? Thanks.

Mohammed NoorMohammed Noor    Salı, 28/06/2016 - 12:32

This song Arab artist Mohamed Samer
Check a good source
Full Song

Don JuanDon Juan
   Cmt, 21/11/2015 - 21:47

@RobinK, corrected. Thanks for reporting.

@mahmut şeho: this translation looks small compared to the original lyrics. Is it incomplete?

RobinKRobinK    Cmt, 21/11/2015 - 22:00

To the best of my knowledge of Arabic, this is what the Arabic translation says in English, so if anybody viewing this translation knows Turkish and English a comparison can be made for completeness. I'm pretty sure it's complete -- the Arabic translation has some long lines that are probably multiple lines in on the Turkish side -- but I don't know Turkish so I can't vouch for it. Hope this helps a bit :)

Train of alienation

Train of alienation song

We were happy together
Why did this separation occur?
The train of terrible alienation took you away from me
I have no patience anymore
Come back, oh train of alienation
Come back and bring news of my beloved, oh train of alienation
I have such longing inside of me
Please make it lighter, oh train of alienation
I have fire inside of me
Please extinguish it, oh train of alienation
Years have gone by and there is no news of my beloved
Come, oh train, and tell me why my darling is not coming back