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Цёмная ночка...
Цёмная ночка, дзе ж твая дочка?
Мая дочка у садочку
Ружу, ружу полiць,
Ружу, ружу полiць,
Белы ручкi колiць.
Кветачкi рвець, кветачкi рвець,
Вяночкi звiвае,
Вяночкi звiвае,
Слёзкi пралiвае.
Цёмная ночка...
Цёмная ночка, дзе ж твая дочка?


Dark night...
Dark night, where are your daughter?
My daughter is in the garden
Pluck the roses
Pluck the roses
Pierce her white hands.
Pluck the flowers, pluck the flowers,
Weave wreaths,
Weave wreaths,
Shed her tears.
Dark night...
Dark night, where are your daughter?
algebraalgebra    Cum, 26/11/2010 - 04:51

I wonder what does Купалiнка mean.Is it a female name, a flower? BTW, thank you very much for your translation, this song is very touchy.

malankamalanka    Cum, 31/08/2012 - 15:35

In Slavic cultures Kupala was a goddess of beauty and love. She was celebrated/honored/worshiped during the summer solstice. After Christianity took over in Slavic countries her cult was suppressed but it still survived, it was just combined with Christianity (the feast of St. John the Baptist which is also around the Summer Solstice), but many of the original superstitions and traditions survived. These celebrations are still held in some Slavic countries, mainly Russian, Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus. Although they used to be much more common decades ago. But anyways on the night of the festival girls make wreaths out of flowers and tell fortunes about love, dance around fire, sing songs, ect. They then make boards to hold candles and wrap their flower wreaths around the candles and go to a body of water (usually a small one) and send their boards with the wreath and candle into the water hoping it will float in a straight line.. also the boys of the village try to catch these boards with one of the girls wreaths/candles on it and if he does this signifies that the two are destined to be together.

So in this song Kupalanka is a diminutive either for the goddess Kupala or a woman/girl partaking in her feast/summer solstice celebrations of Kupala. There is definitely no English translation of this word though.

TaralomTaralom    Pzt, 06/02/2012 - 17:44

yeah i'm agree with u algebra. I wanna translate this song to Turkish from english but kupalinka?

malankamalanka    Cum, 31/08/2012 - 15:33

I tried to write and explanation above. I hope it makes sense. :)

g0rng0rn    Pzr, 10/04/2016 - 10:20

Where ARE your daughter?
Pluck roses? - what about WEED? Pluck is correct in third strophe, but not here.

Terrible, just like machine translation!

Don JuanDon Juan
   Pzt, 11/04/2016 - 23:15

I don't know Belorussian but I know English. This translation is not a match to GT. The only mistake I see in this translation is that 'are' part you mentioned. Regarding the rest, it looks good.

Please review your vote and give suggestions of improvements, else I'll ask for it to be removed.