Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Ukrayna'nın Yanında Olun!
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Min izāmō

Min izāmō, min sindimō,
ūod ārmaz rānda sa,
kus rāndanaigās kazābõd
vel vanād, vizād piedāgõd.
Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa,
min tõurõz izāmō!
Min izāmō, min sindimō,
ūod ārmaz rānda sa,
kus lāinõd mierstõ vīerõbõd
un rāndan sūdõ āndabõd.
Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa,
min tõurõz izāmō!
Min izāmō, min sindimō,
ūod ārmaz rānda sa,
kus jelābõd īd kalāmīed,
kis mīer pääl ātõ päävad īed.
Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa,
min tõurõz izāmō!
Min izāmō, min sindimō,
ūod ārmaz rānda sa,
kus kūltõb um vel pivā ēļ
- min amā ārmaz rāndakēļ.
Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa,
min tõurõz izāmō!

My Fatherland

My fatherland, my native land,
You are the beloved shore,
Where on the shore grow
Pines still old, tough.
You are my only love in the world,
My dear fatherland.
My fatherland, my native land,
You are the beloved shore,
Where waves roll from sea
And give a kiss to shore.
You are my only love in the world,
My dear fatherland.
My fatherland, my native land,
You are the beloved shore,
The place where fishermen live,
Who are on the sea day and night.
You are my only love in the world,
My dear fatherland.
My fatherland, my native land,
You are the beloved shore,
Where the holy language is still spoken
– My most loved Livonian.
You are my only love in the world,
My dear fatherland.