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Ser un cura y amarala a ella [Être prêtre et aimer une femme]

Yo era tan feliz antes de encontrarte
Al reprimir en mi desde la adolescencia
La llamada del sexo que llego a mi con tanta fuerza
Mis amores fueron dos, la religion y la ciencia
Oh, ser un cura y amarla a ella
Amar, amarla hasta el perder el alma
Contra viento y marea resisti impasible
Firme como la torre de una catedral
Llego la tentacion con la fuerza de un huracan
Y desperto en mi el fuego de un viejo volcan
Oh, ser un cura y amarla a ella
Amar, amarla hasta el perder el alma
Lejos de la mujer, flajelaba mi cuerpo
Y en mitad de la noche, descendi a los infiernos
Yo deje de rezar y abri mi ventana
Al nuevo amanecer mirando tu mirada
Oh, ser un cura y amarla a ella
Amar, amarla hasta el perder el alma
Oh, ser un cura y amarla a ella
Con una mano acariciame, con la otra torturame
Que sea capaz de expiar mis pecados
Si al infierno vas, yo voy tambien
Para mi sera el eden
Oh, ser un cura y amarla a ella
Amar, amarla hasta el perder el alma
Oh, ser un cura y amarla a ella
A ella

Being a Preacher and Loving Her

I was so happy before finding you
Since my adolescence, repressing within me
The call of sex, that hit me so strongly,
My loves were two, religion and science
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Loving, loving her until you lose your soul
Against the wind and tide, I resisted, unaffected
Steady as the tower of a cathedral
Temptation arrived with the strength of a hurricane
And awoke within me the fire of an old volcano
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Loving, loving her until you lose your soul
Far away from the woman, I flagellated my body
And in the middle of the night, I descended into hell
I stopped praying and I opened my window
Looking at your face as the new dawn rose
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Loving, loving her until you lose your soul
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Caress me with one hand, torture me with the other
May it be capable of cleansing my sins
If you go to hell, I'll go too
It will be Eden for me
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Loving, loving her until you lose your soul
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Notre-Dame de Paris (Musical): En İyi 3
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