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  • Natasha (Lebanon)

    الغايب → переклад на Англійська

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الغايب يرجع
يرجع بالسلامة
ان شا الله يعود
يعود لاحبابه
واحشنا والله والله
طول بغيابه
للغايب شموخ ومهابه
ذكراه في قلبي
اموت انا واحيا به
اشتقانا لشوفه لشوفه
عيوني تهنا به
واحشنا والله والله
طول بغيابه
انت يا غايب
يا غايب في الغربة
طمنا ها الدنيا غدارة
واذكرنا وانسى وانسى
البعد واسبابه
واحشنا والله والله
طول بغيابه

The absent one

The absent one comes back
Comes back safely
God willing he comes back
Back to his loved ones
By God, by God we miss him
He's been away too long
The absent one has highness and reverence
His memory is in my heart
I die and live for him
We long to see him to see him
My eyes are joyed in him
By God, by God we miss him
He's been away too long
You who have been absent
Away in foreignness
Console us, life is treacherous
And remember us and forget, forget
The distance and its causes
By God, by God we miss him
He's been away too long
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