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Gli aranci olezzano

Gli aranci olezzano sui verdi margini,
cantan le allodole tra i mirti in fior;
tempo è si mormori da ognuno il tenero
canto che i palpiti raddoppia al cor
In mezzo al campo tra le spiche d'oro
giunge il rumore delle vostre spole;
noi stanchi riposando dal lavoro
a voi pensiamo, o belle occhi-di-sole.
O belle occhi-di-sole, a voi corriamo,
come vola l'augello al suo richiamo
Cessin le rustiche opre:
la Virgine serena allietasi del Salvator!
tempo è si mormori da ognuno il tenero
canto che i palpiti raddoppia al cor

The scent of orranges

The scent of orranges fills the air,
Larks sing among the flowering bushes,
Now is the time for everyone to sing the tender
Songs that quicken the heart.
While we work in fields of golden corn,
We can hear the sounds of your labor,
We rest from our work,
And think of you, beautiful sparkling eyes.
Oh, beautiful sparkling eyes, we hurry back to
You like a bird flying to the call of its mate.
The work and toil is finished,
The Happy Virgin holds the Savior,
Now is the time for everyone to sing the tender
Songs that quicken the heart.
annabellannaannabellanna    Срд, 19/06/2019 - 10:08

Hi! I apologize for my intrusion, but there are two typing error: "orRanges"(in the translation) and "VIrgine"(instead of "Vergine")in the italian text, and a misunderstanding: the phrase "Cèssin(with accent!) le rustiche opre: la Vergine serena allietasi del Salvator!" means, more or less: "Let the field work stops: the happy Virgin welcomes the Saviour".
"Cèssin(o)" is third plural person of present subjuntive of the verb "cessare"(=to stop): it's an exhortation, not an observation.
Anyway, I know that this text is written in an obsolete language, that is quite hard to understand also for a native speaker.
But , since I read it's an "official translation" I gather that you found it in some "official site". It should be a good idea to report them that they must review their work.