Допоможіть перекласти "ストーリー N"

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ストーリー N

In distant lands, plains around, I read 「STORY」 ♪
In this world I may not have reason ♪
I've lost 【faith】, hopes of a better world according to the stories ♪
I travel beyond my dreams, I cross the temporal space ♪
Then I go in the dimensional time and advance my own way ♪
While seeking answers to these questions: my will is strong enough to survive in this world ? ♪
I trust in me ? ♪
Humans can he have wings ? ♪
Reality can it be true ? ♪
This world was it that where I should be ? ♪
Which surround me telling the truth ? ♪
This illusion, what is it of its essence ? ♪
What is... 「STORY」 should be ? ♪
Is beliefs were only stories so that humans can be appeased ? ♪
Destiny can it be altered ? ♪
The links created are they mere strings of fate ? ♪
Humanity did not feel cut off from nature ? ♪
Is not she the one that will cause her own end ? ♪
I choose between Science and Religion, one of the two we lie ♪
Can we say that life is not a loop ? ♪
Heaven and Hell are they important ? ♪
While walking, then running towards the horizon ♪
I think that this is just a game, an eternal and 【endless game】 ♪
Where the pieces fall into place, and that the 【king】 is the target ♪
【Strategy】, which by itself alone can triumph ♪
Failure and Victory are only metaphors ♪
Darkness and light are inverse ♪
Hate and love are just things created by humans ♪
Despair or hope come only human emotions ♪
Dreams are an illusion that humans are not to abandon ♪
Nightmares are the deep fear that they have forgotten ♪
The deadly sins are what makes the consciousness of the human ♪
Luck and bad luck turned in our favor ♪
Happiness and unhappiness are the pillars of a very tragic drama ♪
Good and evil can deceive us ♪
Past and Future are doomed fate ♪
【Madness】 and balance are only misleading things ♪
Memories and amnesia control the destiny of every person ♪
Reality and unreality are strings of the story ♪
The 【beginning】 and end are the repetitions only ♪
【Death】 brings no good ♪
The reality of this world is only the beginning of a purely bad omen ♪
But 【Fate】 and wishes exist ? ♪
Knowledge is a real thing ? ♪
Progress of humanity is satisfactory ? ♪
This world is it on track? ♪
But looking at the azure sky and colorful ♪
I remember that everything can have a sense ♪
Dreams and ambitions, can we reach them ? ♪
With our low limits, the world can change ? ♪
Why it seems familiar ? ♪
Is what I've encountered ? ♪
Where have I seen ? ♪
The answers I found ? ♪
The choice can be altered ♪
While continuing to walk, always run straight ♪
I look forward, thinking about my tragic future that may or may not ♪
Living in this world until the 【end】, horrible as it is ♪
Revealing my 【true personality】 I never give up! ♪
The "False" here is the "True" will be revealed ♪
Only those in whom I trust ♪
who never lie and tell the truth ♪
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