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  • Joaquín Díaz

    Rosina encarnada → переклад на Англійська

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Rosina encarnada

Ya venimos de la guerra de Africa
porque todo lo trae la pasión,
ya venimos de la guerra de Africa
porque todo lo trae el amor.
- Al marcharme, Rosina encarnada,
me decías que tú me esperabas
y ahora vengo a casarme contigo
y me encuentro que ya estás casada.
- Casadita, casada me encuentras,
porque todo lo trae el querer;
casadita, casada me encuentras
con un hombre al que yo nunca amé.
- ¿No te acuerdas del mantón de grana
que de novios yo te regalé?
- Sí, me acuerdo del mantón de grana
y de varios regalos también,
- ¿Te acuerdas del pañuelo de seda
que del Africa yo te mandé?
Si es verdad que tú me has olvidado,
el pañuelo devuélvemele.
- Sí, es verdad que yo a ti te he olvidado
y mis padres la culpa han tenido
pues trataron de darme la muerte
si seguía yo hablando contigo.
- Si tus padres la culpa han tenido
y de muerte a ti te amenazaban,
ellos van a pagar con la vida
y también tú, Rosina encarnada.
- Como tienes puñal de dos filos,
si mi pecho quieres traspasar
matarás a una fiel criatura
que en mi vientre inocente está.
- Yo no mato a una fiel criatura
que es un ángel que vive inocente;
cuando nazca y en el mundo viva
a ti sola te daré la muerte.
Ya dio a luz la Rosina encarnada
una niña más bella que el sol
y Rosina la puso por nombre
como así su padre la mandó.
A los quince días se va a misa
y el Antonio al encuentro salió:
- Buenos días, Rosina encarnada,
ahora vengo a lograr mi intención.
- Si tú tienes puñal de dos filos
y la muerte me vienes a dar,
mira, mira que te llevan preso
y la Guardia Civil por detrás.
- No me importa que me lleven preso.
Y el infame rápido sacó
un terrible puñal de dos filos
que en su pecho mil veces clavó.
- Ya has pagado, Rosina encarnada,
el estarme engañando dos años:
si tus padres la culpa han tenido
tú solita por ello has pagado.
Al oír este crimen tan grande
su marido al encuentro salió:
- Dime, dime, Rosina encarnada,
dime dime quién te asesinó.
Dime, dime Rosina encarnada,
dime dime quien fue tu traidor.

Carmine Rose

We're just coming from the war in Africa1
Because anything brings passion,
we're just coming from the war in Africa
because anything brings love.
-When I left, Carmine Rose2
you told me that you will wait for me
and now I come to marry you
and I see that you're already married.
-Little wife, wife I find myself
because all brings desire;
little wife, wife I find myself
with a man I've never loved.
-Don't you remember the scarlet shawl
I offered you when we were bethroted?
-Yes, I remember the scarlet shawl
and plenty of presents too,
-Do you remember the silk handkerchief
I sent to you from Africa?
If it's true that you have forgotten me,
give me back the handkerchief.
-Yes, it's true that I have forgotten you
And my parents are to blame
indeed they spoke of killing me
if I continued to discuss with you.
-If your parents are to blame
and threatened to kill you,
they're going to pay for this with their life,
and you too, Carmine Rose.
-As you own a knife with a blade on both sides,
if you want to spike my chest
you would kill a faithful creature
who stands innocent in my belly.
-I won't kill a faithful creature
who is an angel who lives innocently;
when he would be born and live in the world
I would bring death just to you.
She gave birth Carmine Rose
to a girl more beautiful than the sun
and Rose she named her
just as her father requested.
After fifteen days she went to the mass
and the Antonio came out on the forecourt :
-Good morning, Carmine Rose,
today I come to accomplish my will.
-If you have a knife with a blade on both sides,
and if you come to bring me death,
then look, look at who's apprehending you
and at the Civil Guard in your back.
-I don't care if they apprehend me
And the ignominious quickly drawed
a terrible two-blades knife
with what he stabbed her a thousand times in the chest.
-Now you have paid, Carmine Rose
for cheating on me for two years:
if your parents are to blame,
only you have paid for them.
As he heard this such great crime
her husband on the forecourt came out:
-Tell me, telle me, Carmine Rose,
tell me tell me who murdered you.
Tell me, telle me Carmine Rose,
tell me tell me who were the traitor.
  • 1. Probably the Hispano-Moroccan colonial War
  • 2. I've taken the liberty of translating the name or surname "Rosina encarnada". I think "Carmine" suits well because off the poetic dimension of this word, but "fleshly" could also suit because it recalls that "encarnada" might refer to a color but might also mean "embodied", "incarnated", and even "ingrown"
   Птн, 12/02/2016 - 19:20

Thank you for translating this song. I think it’s a good work.
But there’s a point on which I’d like to call you attention. At the end of the first stanza and at the beginning of the second stanza there are two phrases very similar but not equal (just a comma and an accent mark):
Si es verdad que tú me has olvidado > If it’s true that...
Sí, es verdad que yo a ti te he olvidado > Yes, it’s true that...