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Zginula je pikuša

Zginula je “pikuša”
z devetero prasci,
truoje došlo, troje nie,
truoje nigdar nuabo.
Kanas igra žvieglicu,
pajceki se puasu
pri zelenom grmčecu
ruono pri capašu.
Kanas je odišel spat
kre capaša v grabu,
pikuša je odišla,
vejč je nigdar nuabo.
K tuomu devet pajcekov
vu vrbju se zmeli,
šiest je bilo pikasti,
trie pak črno-bieli.
Pikuša je odišla
kalampiera skapat,
kanas pak se rasrdil
i dišel se ftapljat.

A speckled sow was lost

A speckled sow was lost,
with nine little piglets,
three of them have returned, three of them not,
three of them will never return.
A swineherd plays žvieglica*,
piglets pasture
by the green bush
straight next to the meadow.
A swineherd left to sleep,
next to the meadow in the hornbeams,
a speckled sow has left,
she'll never return.
In addition to that, nine piglets
have fled in the osier bed,
six of them were dotted,
three of them, however, black and white.
A speckled sow have left
in order to dig for potatoes,
a swineherd got really mad,
and went to drown himself.