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  • Adriana Maciel

    Silencio → переклад на Англійська

  • 2 переклади
    Англійська #1, #2
Розмір шрифта
Оригінальний текст
Поміняти місцями мови


Que pena ser alguém
que não quer mais
que não enxerga
um palmo a frente do nariz
cantar prá quem não ouve nada,
dançar prá quem não quer ver nada
minhas mãos atadas,
minha boca só,
meus pés agarrados,
na garganta um nó,
cantar prá quem não ouve nada,
dançar prá quem não quer ver nada
O silêncio pousa na janela
vem tomar café
na espera agente olha a tela
em branco


What a pity being a person
who wants to give up¹,
and who doesn't see
a foot ahead of the nose.
Singing for someone that hears nothing,
or dancing to someone that doesn't want to see anything.
My hands are tied,
My mouth is an empty,
My feets are stuck,
My throat is but a knot.
Singing for someone that hears nothing,
or dancing to someone that doesn't wish to see anything.
Silence sits on the window
Come on, drink some coffee
While we are awaiting, we look at the blank screen.
Adriana Maciel: Топ 3
electrosyselectrosys    Сбт, 28/04/2012 - 23:58

The song makes more sense to me now ... but as you comment, it is still a little cryptic: perhaps "giving up" relates to life itself, or an insensitivity to love ? Maybe we are not meant to know ?
... and what, I wonder, is the significance of waiting, whilst looking at a "blank screen" ?

My heartfelt thanks for your help.

   Ндл, 29/04/2012 - 00:35

Hello Electro,

I think the singer didn't want us to know about that, as you said.

About the "blank screen", unfortunately I couldn't find some answer. But, it might be a Television, or the person is just looking at outside the window...