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Black Ship

They're crazy! They're crazy! crazy...
I know, my love,
That you have never really left*
Because all around me
Tell me that you're always with me
I know, my love
That you never left
Because all around me
Tell me that you're always with me
In the morning, that fear, that you would find me ugly!
I woke up, shivering, lying on the sand
But later, your eyes said that I am not,
And the sun entered to my heart
But later, your eyes said that not,
And the sun entered to my heart
After that I saw, on one rock, a cross,
And your black ship danced in the light
I saw your arm waving, between already loose sails
The old women from the beach say that you won't return:
They're crazy! crazy...
I know, my love,
That you have never really left
Because all around me
Tell me that you're always with me
I know, my love
That you never left
Because all around me
Tell me that you're always with me
In the wind that throws sand in the glass;
In water that sings in the dying fire;
In the heat of bed, in empty benches;
Inside my chest, you are always with me
In the heat of bed, in empty benches;
Inside my chest, you are always with me
( solo )
I know, my love,
That you have never really left
Because all around me
Tell me that you're always with me
I know, my love
That you have never really left
Because all around me
Tell me that you're always with me
كلمات أصلية

Barco Negro

كلمات الاغنية (البرتغالية)

الرجاء المساعدة في ترجمة اسم الأغنية
Mariza: أعلى count@
ackeracker    الأربعاء, 11/07/2012 - 19:16

I think you have done well here, in the case of : chegaste a partir: I believe,
like in Spanish (llegar a), it means he has not achieved to leave (though he tried), so one might also put here: you have not really left. Further down in the text I would add: But later, your eyes said
that I am not.
And I agree that Mariza is an awesome Fado singer.

   الأثنين, 16/07/2012 - 12:06

Yes yes you are absolutely right! I completely forgot that chegar (or llegar) can also mean to achieve. It is a bit hard to translate that expression literally to english, but I think it will be fine. Now it completely makes sense. I corrected it, thanks so much! :)

IlarfliIlarfli    الجمعة, 15/11/2019 - 18:32

heerlijk om naar te luisteren met vertaling