Happy Mother's Day

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<a href="/ar/translator/igeethecat" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1365086">Igeethecat <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
تاريخ الانضمام: 16.12.2017
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Please share your stories about Moms and being a Mom, or Mum 🥰

My son surprised me by showing up this morning. He lives 5 hrs drive, 5 days walking, due to a quarantine we haven't seen each other for more than a year

<a href="/ar/translator/as%C3%AEman" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1255660">asîman </a>
تاريخ الانضمام: 10.08.2015

Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers in here! *heart*

I'm away from my mom because of the quarantine and I miss her so much...

<a href="/ar/translator/blacksea4ever" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1390089">BlackSea4ever </a>
تاريخ الانضمام: 19.07.2018

I miss my mom. She’s gone for 25 years, but not from my heart.
I have 2 fav stories about her:
> She sat down in front of the bus in Venice so it would not leave without me. I was lost with a friend who was intent on showing me a Titian. I always joked she miscalculated and should have let the bus leave - this way her dream of marrying me off would come sooner. Lol. RIP.
> She once (or so) went to the lifeguard station on the beach and used the loudspeaker telling me to get out of water. I ignored it. Love you. RIP.

Banned User
<a href="/ar/translator/igeethecat" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1365086">Igeethecat <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
تاريخ الانضمام: 16.12.2017

My mom died when I was 21. I miss her so much
I remember pickling tomatoes and огурчики with her. It was fun and sweet

<a href="/ar/translator/balkant%C3%BCrk" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1439077">Balkantürk </a>
تاريخ الانضمام: 21.11.2019

My beautiful mom passed away when I was 19 years old. She was a treasure to me and when she died she became an angel. When I was twelve years a close friend, without reason, stopped talking to me. My mother sat with me and told me: "My love, those people who don't love you will leave you but the ones who do will always be with you, as I will", the second precious moment was when she discovered that her daughter had asperger syndrome. She came home, hugged me and said to me: "I am very proud to be your mother and I always will be" and the third one was the day before her death. She said to me:I'm dying but don't be afraid, my little one, I will always be with you and I'm proud to have you as my daughter ". 🧡 Volim te puno mama. Najbolja si mama na svijetu 🧡

مشرف 🔮​🇧​​🇮​​🇩​​🇽​​🇦​​🇦​❜
<a href="/ar/translator/citl%C4%81licue" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1109697">citlālicue <div class="moderator_icon" title=" Moderador" ></div></a>
تاريخ الانضمام: 31.03.2012

My fondest memory of my mother is when she stayed overnight in the hospital with me on my birthday just so that I wouldn't be alone. Or of spending every Spring clearing the garden and spending hours tending to her flowers.

<a href="/ar/translator/aver" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1472695">Iova </a>
تاريخ الانضمام: 07.10.2020

Happy Mother's Day to all the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mothers out there!
I have a lot of beautiful and lovely memories of my mother, but the best one by far is probably when she used to sleep in my crib with me, for I had asthma [And diffuse lung disease], I could've died at any moment, so she wanted to listen to my breath, I was around 3-4 years old I think, even feeling her presence right beside me was enough to make me feel safe. And the second one, when I was in elementary school, she used to wait for me in the lobby every single day, for 8 hours, just so that I could see her for 10 minutes only... And she never complained about anything, she just waited there and smiled when she saw me after each class is over. Love you, mom! Bir tanesin! 🖤