Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     قف مع أوكرانيا!
حجم الخط
Swap languages

(Small) switch

I have a sorrow for you
In my heart
And whatever you ask,
I will bring it to you in a moment
You're walking indifferent ahead
And I'm following,
As if I were your shadow
But tell me, how long
will I stand it like that?
I've been left helpless
In your hands, I have turned into
your new little game
I am afraid of where this will lead
I have ended up being
your small switch
My heart1
If you want, you switch me on
If you want, you then switch me off
And you're always playing with me
And you're always switching me on and off
But if you're not careful
You might break me down
And you might lose your new game
The warranty I used to have
Is now expired
So take more care of me now
Don't forget that for you I'm in pain
Don't forget that I also have a soul
  • 1. way of calling a loved one
كلمات أصلية


كلمات الاغنية (اليونانية)

eowynneowynn    الأثنين, 30/09/2019 - 13:15

i can not believe u have only one thanks for this great songs translate.