Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     قف مع أوكرانيا!
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Waqit ötüp chiray rengging özgerdi
Pishanengge yillar izin salarken
Yashliq yamghurdekla yaghdiyu ötti
Dunya berginini qayturup alarken
Kiche tillar chéchip oynighan zatlar
Bügün nacharliqtin indimey datlar
Déngizni séghinip yighlar qirghaqlar
Dunya berginini qayturup alarken
Dunya, dunya, dunya berginini qayturup alarken.
Balam dep örtinip köygenler qanche
Anam dep öpkisi tolghanlar qanche
Hetta su turmaydu ichseng bedende
Dunya berginini qayturup alarken
Ehdiliship weslige yetkenler qanche
Dunya berginini qayturup alarken
Nepsing zencirige baghlanma unut
Bir kün purset kiler sebir bilen küt
Nezer qil yeningdin ötmekte tawut
Dunya berginini qayturup alarken
Dunya, dunya, dunya berginini qayturup alarken


Time goes by and withered your appearance
Time has left its traits in your *appearance*(literally: forehead)
*Time*(literally: age) flies by fast as raindrop falling from sky
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
Those who sing and play at night
are silenced by today's unpleasantness
Those who waste money and play at night(not presented in lyric 1:24-29)
are silenced by today's unpleasantness(not presented in lyric 1:29-35)
(Those in) droughts cried for missing (the waters of) Ocean
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
(repeat last two line)
The World,The World,The World,What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)
How many has *dedicated their lives*(literally: burned themselves) for their children
How many has *dedicated their lives*(literally: twisted their lung) for their mother
(repeat last two line)
Even the water will not stay in your body after you drink it
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
And how many has achieved by working diligently
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
Don't get tied to your desire, forget it
One day opportunity will come, wait for it with hope
And be aware of the *death*(literally: coffin) passing by you
What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)
The World,The World,The World,What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)