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El país secret

Tota dona, de natura reial,
té un país secret que li és més ver
que aquest pàl·lid món extern...
A mitjanit, quan el silenci l'envolta,
deixa de banda agulles i llibres
i el visita d'amagat;
aclucant els ulls, ella improvisa
una tanca amb cinc barres entre bedolls,
salta per sobre, pren possessió...
Llavors corre, vola o bé cavalca
(un cavall al trot ve a saludar-la)
i viatja allà on vol!
Fa créixer l'herba, fa obrir-se els lliris
de botó a flor mentre guaita,
i els peixos mengen de la seva mà.
Ha fundat pobles, ha plantat arbredes,
ha buidat valls per rierols que corren,
frescs, a una badia tancada!
Mai he gosat interrogar el meu amor
sobre el governament del seu reialme;
sobre la seva geografia.
Ni l'he seguit entre aquells bedolls
encamellant-me sobre la tanca
i espiant entre la boira.
M'ha promès, però, quan morí,
un lloc sota el seu palau privat
a una clariana del bosc,
on creixen gencianes i violes
i a on, de vegades, ens trobàrem...

The Secret Country

Every woman, of royal disposition by nature,
Has a secret country that is truer to her
Than this pale outer world...
At midnight, when the silence surrounds her,
She sets aside both needles and books
And visits it in secret;
Closing her eyes, she improvises
A gate made with five metal bars in between birch trees,
Jumps over it, and takes ownership of her own self...
She then runs, flies or maybe rides
(A running horse comes to greet her)
And travels wherever she pleases!
She makes the grass grow, she makes the lilies bloom
From a bud to a full blossom, as she looks (around)
And the fish eat from her hand.
She has founded towns, she has planted full groves,
She has hollowed valleys so that small,
Refreshing rivers can reach a narrow bay!
I have never dared to ask my beloved
About the governing of her kingdom;
About its geography.
And I've never followed her beyond those birch trees
Jumping the fence
And spying on her across the fog.
Nevertheless, she promised me, when I died,
A place under her private palace
In the middle of a clearing in the forest,
Where gentian and African violets grow
And where, sometimes, we would meet...
Maria del Mar Bonet: أعلى count@