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Becho's Violin

Becho plays the violin in the orchestra,
face of teacherless kid,
and the orchestra is useless, he doesn't have
more than only one violin that aches him.
Because to Becho the violins ache him,
they are like his love, little kids;
Becho wants a violin that mans up,
that doesn't name the pain and the love.
Becho has a violin that doesn't love,
but he feels that the violin calls him,
in the nights like being sorry,
he loves again that sad sound.
Brown wooden butterfly,
exasperated violin child,
when Becho doesn't play and calms down,
the violin remains sounding in its soul.
Because to Becho the violins ache him,
they are like his love, little kids;
Becho wants a violin that mans up,
that doesn't name the pain and the love.
Life and death, violin, father and mother;
the violin sings and Becho is the air,
he can't play in the orchestra anymore,
because loving and singing is hard to do.
كلمات أصلية

El Violín de Becho

كلمات الاغنية (الاسبانية)

Collections with "El Violín de Becho"
Alfredo Zitarrosa: أعلى count@
kubesebakubeseba    السبت, 31/07/2021 - 00:36

Carlos Julio Eizmendi Lovisetto (1932 - 1985).
Uruguayan famous violin player.
He held countless concerts and performed with many symphony orchestras around the world.
His name was known as "Becho Eizmendi".
Alfredo Zitarrosa was impressed by Becho Eizmendi's performance of the violin, and composed
the famous song "El violín de Becho". [from wiki]