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Vera Jahnke: أعلى count@
Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    السبت, 16/01/2021 - 15:44

Thank you very much! 😀 It is the first translation of my poems into Breton. I knew that it is a celtic language, but thought it is an indigenuos language. Now I learned that it was brouht to France by refugees from Britain, after the Saxons conquered their country...
At present there are - due to Wikipedia - just about 240.000 people who speak this language, the most of them are older or do not use it regularly. Such a pity! I am very glad, that you are fluent in Breton and hope that this language will keep alive.

   السبت, 16/01/2021 - 16:04

The question of re-introcing Breton in Brittany could (should) be disputed. In my opinion, Gaulish was never spoken in this area, and there was a linguistic continuum across the "British Channel" (which we call "Breton sea"). Unfortunately, insular Conish was extinct too early..., allowing this theory to become prevalent, against linguistic evidence.
Now, the position of Breton is a difficult one, as pposite to other minor languages in France (Flemish, Alsatian, Catalan, Basque), who all have a strong basis over the border. But it is not desperate: every day I enjoy seeing on the TV (local channel) young children taught in Breton and speaking it as their real mother language... just as 100 years ago their grand-grand fathers were proud to show that their descent was able to speak fluently Frtench, while they could not.
At times, I fear that French could be endangered the same way by English!