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Història d'una jovençana qui es transformà en un arbre

A una illa del mar grec
(temps era temps!),
una jovençana plora
Son estimat va partir
dins un vaixell
cap a la guerra dels moros...
Ai, quin turment!
Bé mirava la mar clara
vers el Ponent,
i escoltava la remor
de tots els vents,
per veure si sentiria
l'estimat seu.
Mai no arribava la barca...
Temps era temps!.
Morien els anys i els dies
dins la mar plana.
De tant esperar, la jove
tornava un arbre.
Del cos en sorgí la soca;
de les mans, branques.
I els peus posaren arrels
dins terra amarga.
Tornà un ametller tan bell,
la jovençana,
que escampava planys i tanys
per la mar plana!
Un bon jorn, passats els dies
i les setmanes,
el jovencell va tornar
de les batalles.
Tot d'una que tocà terra
va veure l'arbre;
amb les branques va conèixer
sa enamorada...
Va córrer desesperat
per abraçar-la,
i l'ametller es va omplir
de flors rosades!

Story of A Young Girl Who Became A Tree

On an island in the Greek seas
(A long time ago!)
A young girl weeps
Of longing and sadness.
Her beloved left
On a boat
For the war against the Moors...
Oh, such torment!
She constantly watched the clear blue seas
Towards the West,
And listened to the whispers
From all the winds,
So as to see if she would hear
About her beloved.
The boat never arrived...
A long time ago!
The years and the days faded away
Over the calm seas.
Out of waiting for so long, the maiden
Became a tree.
The bark emerged from her body
And her hands, became branches.
And her feet became roots
That sunk on the bitter earth.
The young girl became an almond tree
So very beautiful,
That she would scarred laments and seedlings
Across the calm seas!
One good day, after many days had passed
As well as many weeks,
The young man returned
From all those battles.
As soon as her landed on the pier
He saw the tree;
Thanks to its branches, he recognised
His beloved one...
He ran, beset by desperation,
So he could embrace her
And the almond tree suddenly was all covered
In pink flowers!
Maria del Mar Bonet: أعلى count@
   السبت, 02/06/2018 - 15:53

Oh, merci! T'agraeixo el vot de tot cor :)

   السبت, 02/06/2018 - 16:20

De res. És una història bonica i una bella traducció.