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María enjoys the streets

María thought that love
was a commandment of two people.
And waiting for the first kiss
she is getting old in front of the mirror
and wipes her tears,
makes up her wounds
and life goes away.
She remembers the first time
when he swore her he didn’t do it on purpose
and among their children, who lived
as prisoners of their fear,
María was dreaming of being a princess
with the golden hair
and the strawberry mouth.
María left one morning
without saying anything.
María is not afraid anymore.
María starts again.
María I need you.
María escaped from his yelling
and enjoys the streets...
She never says “no”,
she is the slave of her master.
She always forgives,
she’s always a rag at his feet.
Her homeland is her house,
her world - the kitchen
and she feels overwhelmed.
One day she left her heart
behind in her matress.
When she sees her body she thinks:
Oh, The Fifth Commandment!
María has not a color of blood.
María dies and nobody knows about it.
María left one morning
without saying anything.
María is not afraid anymore.
María starts again.
María I need you.
María escaped from his yelling
and enjoys the streets...
María left one morning
without saying anything.
María is not afraid anymore.
María starts again.
María I need you.
María escaped from his yelling
and enjoys the streets...
María thought that love
was a commandment of two people...
كلمات أصلية

María se bebe las calles

كلمات الاغنية (الاسبانية)

ertai81ertai81    الجمعة, 16/02/2018 - 16:00

Thanks for the translation! I have some remarks:

"que él le juró que fue sin querer"
"when he swore he didn't mean to/it was not on purpose"

"María escapó de su grito" (It should be "gritos")
"María escaped from his screams/shouts/yelling"

"y se le viene encima."
"and she feels overwhelmed"

"Un día dejó el corazón
abandonado en su colchón
solo piensa en ver su cuerpo (it should be "solo piensa al ver su cuerpo")
¡ay! del quinto mandamiento"
"One day she left her heart
behind in her matress
she thinks when she sees her body
Oh! The Fifth Commandment"

   الثلاثاء, 27/02/2018 - 21:56

Gracias por las correcciones. :) Es una traducción muy vieja y no todo entendí. Ahora también no todo me parece fácil. Je, je, je, traduje “se fue” en vez de “fue”. :D

“Se le viene encima”, lo que entiendo, significa “le está llegando”. No sabía. Pero aquí no tiene sentido. Quizás: “and she has no idea what is to come”? (Por el momento usé tu sugerencia.)

Un poco cambié tus sugerencias de mi manera. ¡Mira!