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Mera Man Loche

My mind longs for the vision of the Guru’s Darshan
It cries out like the thirsty song bird for the nectar of your name.
My thirst is not quenched, and I can not find peace
Until I receive the Darshan the beloved saint.
I give myself, and my soul
for your Darshan, my beloved Guru!
Your face is so beautiful, and the sound of your words (shabd) is so filled with inner wisdom.
It has been too long since this rainbird has had even a glimpse of water.
Blessed is the land, where you live, my friend and loved one,
my Divine teacher.
I give myself, and my soul, to my beloved, my Divine Guru
An instant away from you, brings darkness
When will I meet You, my beloved Waheguru?
I can’t endure this night, sleep eludes me too
Until I see your home, my beloved Guru!
I give myself, and my soul to your true home, my beloved Guru!
By good fortune, I met my Saint Guru
and I have found that the immortal creator is within the home my own self
and so I will always serve you and never be separated from you even for an instant.
Guru Nanak says- I’m your slave, my beloved Lord.
I give myself and my soul. Servant Nanak lives to serve you.
كلمات أصلية

Mera Man Loche

كلمات الاغنية (تبتية)
