Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     قف مع أوكرانيا!
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At times

I go out, I stay up late, I don't ask about you
I have friends and time erases you
But some times I can't stand, I remember you
I don't sleep, I feel empty and half
At times I have a madness to meet you
At times I miss you and I want to call
But we are now separated
two strangers in the same city
You have no more for the body that's waiting for you
I go out, I make relationships, I don't miss my life
I don't miss you and I wonder about myself
But at times, it disturbs me that you are gone
the room is drowning me, I can't stand it
At times I have a madness to meet you
At times I miss you and I want to call
But we are now separated
two strangers in the same city
You have no more for the body that's waiting for you
كلمات أصلية

Ώρες Ώρες

كلمات الاغنية (اليونانية)

الرجاء المساعدة في ترجمة اسم الأغنية
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