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Cursed by the God

I know you don't know what my number is
Or where am I ,how I live
I know that for all the evil things
I'm the only one you blame
I haven't done God's know what
for you to remember me
I haven't done God's know what
for you to understand me
The night is sticky again
It sticks my soul to my lips
and everything I say or sing
want's to burst like a balloon
You'we touched me with a lips made of sorrow
and who will now chase off this madness
God made me cursed
and all the dream gates He shut
Now when I have everything
I'm without you
in this evil years
The night is sticky again
It sticks my soul to my lips
and everything I say or sing
want's to burst like a balloon
You'we touched me with a lips made of sorrow
and who will now chase off this madness
God made me cursed
and all the dream gates He shut
Now when I have everything
I'm without you
in this evil years
كلمات أصلية

Prokletog Me Bog Stvorio

كلمات الاغنية (البوسنية)

Dino Merlin: أعلى count@
Idioms from "Prokletog Me Bog ..."