Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     قف مع أوكرانيا!
  • Ingrid Lukas

    Rainspell (Vihmaloits) ← إلى الإنكليزية ترجم

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Rainspell (Vihmaloits)

Mine üle, vihmakene, (x2)
vihmakene, vellekene, (x2)
ooekene, omatsekene, (x2)
saokene, sõsarakene! (x2)
Teed mo likes - ma ligene, (x2)
teed mo märjäs - ma mädäne. (x2)
Ei ole esä tare tennü (x2)
egä veli paari pannu (x2)
võõras nurga nukertenu, (x2)
võõras kivi kergitenu, (x2)
võõras saina saisma pannu, (x2)
võõras kivi kergitenu. (x2)1
  • 1. Read submitter's comments.


Go over, dear rain,
dear rain, my brother,
shower, one of my own
rainfall, my sister
You make me sodden, I soak
You make me wet, I rot
My father hasn't made me a house
nor my brother married me off
nor a stranger carved a corner1
nor a stranger lifted a stone
nor a stranger made a wall stand
nor a stranger lifted a stone
  • 1. these four could actually be in positive - I don't know - but probably not
الرجاء المساعدة في ترجمة اسم الأغنية
Collections with "Rainspell ..."
Moshe KayeMoshe Kaye
   الأحد, 22/01/2023 - 06:29

Changed translation language to English from Estonian