الرجاء المساعدة في ترجمة اسم الأغنية

حجم الخط

The Duck Was Caught

The duck i've caught
A cat 'twas washed
The cat said meow
The duck said quack
The Clutch was pressed
so the duck was roasted
Parfumed was tomy the cat
'alas 'twas done the bath
A math i had to do
but there's plenty other things on the awaiting list
so i'll prolly make some stew
'Cause you know politics and math
don't exactly do a match
Plus and more precise not on an empty stomach
But let's get back on track
Crack the black
And bring some light
The cat is good
the duck maybe not so
the clock is tickin'
so i'mma say tik tok tik tok
let's pluck this mf duck
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