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Romanç de na Roseta

Per Cotaina vaig passar:
figuerar a cada banda;
hi havia pomes en randa
i vi blanc per refrescar.
De Cotaina vaig partir
amb una fosca resolta;
pe's camí em varen dir:
«Bartomeu, na Rosa és morta».
No sé si ho feien a posta,
o per dàrem més tristor...
Uns em deien que era morta;
d'altres, que estava millor.
A ca seua vaig anar
demanant na Rosa nostra;
això va ser per resposta:
«Na Roseta morirà».
Mentre pujava s'escala,
la pujava jo tot sol,
ella es tapava s'a cara
amb s'a colga de's llençol.
«Roseta, què vos faig por,
que s'a cara vos tapau?».
Bartomeu, tu tens s'a clau
que travessa lo meu cor».
Sa mare diu, tot plorant:
Roseta, què en sou millor?».
Ella diu: «Mumare, no...
Que e's meu mal ja va augmentant!».
Quan havia de morir,
s'enamorat hi era a prop.
Li va regalar una flor,
que just era un serafí.
Quan la duien a enterrar,
quatre joves la portaven;
tots quatre la festejaven...
Era cosa de plorar!
A s'endemà, de matí,
va sortir de casa seua
i només va poder dir:
«Na Roseta ja no és meua».

Rosie's Tale

I was travelling by Cotaina:
A fig tree grove on each side (of the road);
There were apples aplenty
And white wine to keep me refreshed.
I left Cotaina
Deeply troubled;
As I was travelling down the road, someone told me:
"Bartholomew, Rosie is dead".
I don't know whether they were doing it on purpose,
Or just to make me feel more aggrieved...
Some would tell me that she was dead;
Others, that she was feeling better.
I went to her home
Demanding to see our Rose;
This is the answer I got:
"Rosie is going to die".
As I was climbing the stairs
I was all alone;
She was covering her face
With the top of her bedsheet.
"Rosie, are you so afraid of me
That you would hide under the sheets?"
-"Batholomew, you have the key
That opens the doors to my heart".
Her mother asked, weeping:
-"Rosie, are you feeling any better?".
She answers: "No, my dear mother...
My illness is getting worse!".
Once it was time for her to die,
Her boyfriend was by her side.
He gave her a flower
That looked just like a seraph.
When they were taking her to the graveyard,
Four young men carried her coffin;
The four of them had been her suitors...
It was sad enough to cry!
The next day, early in the morning,
He left his home
And the only thing he could say was:
"Rosie isn't mine anymore".
Maria del Mar Bonet: أعلى count@