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You don't even imagine

You don't even imagine the times that in my dreams
We were walking together, hand in hand
You don't even imagine how many times you were
All mine, you don't even imagine.
You don't even imagine in my crazy dreams,
How unfaithful you become in my companion.
You don't even imagine the things you forget
For feeling you mine, you don't even imagine.
You don't even imagine, that my hands can
Draw your body without having sinned,
That I have in my mouth, the taste of your mouth
And I haven't kissed you.
You don't even imagine, when we talk,
That your greatest friend is your lover
You don't even imagine, when we look each other.
At any moment, I steal you and we go.
You don't even imagine, inside my dreams,
The way you tremble when I kiss you.
You don't even imagine how happy you are
Inside my dreams, you don't even imagine.
You don't even imagine, in my thoughts
How you desperate for a caress
You don't even imagine how you set yourself free
In my thoughts, you don't even imagine
كلمات أصلية

Tú ni te imaginas

كلمات الاغنية (الاسبانية)

Francisco: أعلى count@
   الأربعاء, 06/05/2020 - 23:45

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