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Tristesse hivernale

Un blanc manteau de neige a recouvert les vastes forêts
Ce froid réconfort, mon âme l'attendait.
Jouissant de ton emprise, pleurant dans tes bras glacés
Lorsque les loups hurleront à la lune enfin je m'endormirai...
Un sinistre tourment s'est emparé des vieux arbres
Aux formes torturées, sur un ciel des plus pâles.
Dans de vastes étendues de cristal
J'ai sombré dans l'oubli
Là où la brume astrale se fonde dans la nuit
Que les vents déchaînés pétrifient ces empires
Je te vénère tristesse hivernale brisant mon cœur de givre
Les étoiles furent reflétées sur de majestueux lacs glacés
De leur splendeur éternelle sauront-elles m'envoûter?
Toujours soupirent les blizzards hantant nos esprits
Leur tumulte infernal se perpétue dans l'infini
Dans de vastes étendues de cristal j'ai sombré dans l'oubli
Je te vénère tristesse hivernale brisant mon cœur de givre

Winter Sorrow

A coat of white snow covered the vast forests,
This cold comfort, my soul had been awaiting it
Enjoying your hold, crying into your frozen arms,
When the wolves howl to the moon, I will fall asleep at last...
A sinister torment took hold of the older trees
And their tortured shapes against the palest of skies
In vast stretches of crystal,
I sank into oblivion,
There where the astral mist fades into the night
May the unrelenting winds petrify these empires!
I revere you, winter sorrow, breaking my frosted heart
The stars were reflected on majestic frozen lakes,
Will their everlasting splendour be able to bewitch me?
The blizzards haunting our minds sigh forevermore,
Their infernal uproar carries on into eternity
In vast stretches of crystal, I sank into oblivion
I revere you, winter sorrow, breaking my frosted heart
juantomas.moralesjuantomas.morales    الأثنين, 20/04/2015 - 15:52

Excellent! But just one thing:
In "May the unrelenting winds purify these empires!", it says "petrify" instead of "purify".
Thank you and congratulations for your work.

   الثلاثاء, 21/04/2015 - 07:54

You're welcome, and thanks for spotting that mistake! (:

Asok AnadAsok Anad    الأربعاء, 22/04/2015 - 21:50

The word 'oblivion' preceded by the word 'sank' should naturally bring to mind a negative prehension, the conjecturization of an essense of the 'complementary' entities abstractly put as 'the container' and 'the contained' (which, ideally, should be sufficiently reduced to 'the uncontainableness', so to speak, in this case); thus, 'in' (as was used in 'into') should be eliminated to leaving only the 'to' behind (e.g., I sank to another level from where I previously got myself into), or if one chooses to keep it, the 'into' that is, just as it is, then one would simply add 'the' before 'oblivion.' On the other hand, something like the 'something' that passes into oblivion is logically and syntactically correct (vs. sinks into oblivion, where, the pre-existing verb-turned-quantifier 'sink', in this peculiarly particular instance, can not qualify for, or existing side by side with, the 'osmostic' nature of 'oblivion' because once one finds oneself in the oblivion, the mystery X-dimension of one's fated boundlessness that is, the magnitude of an oblivion's depthness generally becomes relative, if not to say indeterminable in most cases!) :)