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  • TK from Ling tosite sigure

    片つ → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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I wish the sound of my throbbing heart would get through to you
But because my taciturn self can't change
That wish dissipates in the wind
The ascent through the familiar hill road
Today, all the steps through it added up violently
And since the bends in the road approached me all at once
I joined hands with the figure that approached from behind
Even the meaning that was handed down to us doesn't exist, does it?
Today will come to an end
I'm still transparent
I wish the sound of my throbbing heart would shine over this night sky
Try to look up at it, but don't admire it
These thoughts were hidden in the clouds
So that you wouldn't reach them, I was chasing after you
For some reason, I was compensated with solitude
And my heart, which burst completely open, is still only one; it's all by itself
Answer me gently, who is the face that smiled with such gestures? I'm scared
So cut me off gently, even if this throbbing disappears from my body
It's still so bright; the lonely star that doesn't know anyone
Is the scenery that exists beyond that point; it's because I want to be dreaming of it
That a knife rests in my heart


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