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  • Alternosfera

    Femeia nordica → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

Femeia nordica

Stai, stai langa mine
Stai, ca-n prima zi
Strop de lumina
Sa-mi joci pe retina
In casa pustie
Cum as trai?
Fire-mi salbatic cersete
Pana la nord inc-un pas
Tot ce ingheata
Se si topeste
Din tot ce mai doare
Doar tu ai ramas
Val de nervi purtat prin vene
Te-a ascuns noaptea sub gene
Capu-i rasucit in noduri
Mi-a furat femeia nordul
Nordul mi-aduce apusul
Ninsoarea mi-asterne s-adorm
Imi joci pe retina
Strop de lumina
In casa pustie
In zori am sa mor

The northern woman

Stay,stay next to me
Stay,like on the first day
Pearl of light
Play on my retina
In the deserted house
How would I live?
My temper is begging savagely
Till the north one more step
Everything what is freezing
is also melting
From everything which still hurts
Only you remained
A wave of nerves carried through the veins
The night hid you under the genes
The head is convoluted in nodes
The woman stole my north
The north brings me the sunset
The snowfall spreads out so that I fall asleep
You play on my retina
Pearl of light
In the deserted house
I will die in the daybreak
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