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Sprachen tauschen

Όσα είναι να 'ρθουν

Όσα γράφουν οι κασέτες, θα `ρθούν.
Όσα γράφει ο ιδρώτας, θα `ρθούν.
Όσα κρύβει το μυαλό μας, θα `ρθούν.
Αχ! Όσα είναι να `ρθουνε, θα `ρθούν.
Φεύγουνε οι μέρες πονάμε, θα `ρθούν.
Στάζουν δάκρυα οι καθρέφτες, θα `ρθούν.
Όσα δε χωρούν σε κουβέντες, θα `ρθούν.
Αχ! Όσα είναι να `ρθουνε, θα `ρθούν.
Άλλο μη μου κλαις, μη φοβάσαι.
Έχω να σου δώσω όσα δεν πήρες ποτέ,
θέλω να ματώσω ν’ ανοίξω πληγές,
για όσα δε γεννήθηκα να κάνω, μην κλαις.
Αχ! Όσα είναι να `ρθουνε, θα `ρθούν.
Πέρασες πολλά που δε θέλεις να `ρθούν.
Χίλιες δυο ζωές να σου δώσω, θα `ρθούν.
Θέλω χίλια δυο σημάδια να `ρθούν.
Αχ! Όσα είναι να `ρθουνε, θα `ρθούν.
Άλλο μη μου κλαις, μη φοβάσαι,
σου γράφω για το χάδι σου που είναι μακριά,
σβήνω στο λαχάνιασμα που ακούω γλυκά,
λειώνω μες το δάκρυ σου, στάζεις φωτιά.
Αχ! Όσα είναι να `ρθουνε.
Αχ! Να μπορούσαν να `ρθουνε.
Αχ! Όσα είναι να `ρθουνε θα `ρθούν.

All the things that are to come

all the things that the casettes write, they will come
all the things that the sweat writes, they will come
all the things that our mind hides, they will come
ax! all the things that are to come, they will come
the days go by we heart, they will come
the mirrors run tears, they will come
all the things that cannot be said, they will come
ax! all the things that are to come, they will come
don't cry anymore, don't be scared
I have(in my possesion) to give you all the things you never took
I want to bleed to open wounds
for all the things I was born to do, don't cry
ax! all the things that are to come, they will come
You've gone through a lot that you don't want them to come (back)
Thousand -two to give you, they will come
I want thousand-two signs to come
ax! all the things that are to come, they will come
don't cry anymore,don't be scared
I write for your caress which is away
I "die" to the pant I hear sweetly (maybe meant as softly)
I melt in your tear, you drip fire
ax! all the things that are to come.
ax!if only they could come
ax! all the things that are to come, they will come