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Peut-être toi

If from inattention
the mistake is mine(in me)
then reject me
but you should just/simplu know
that its bleeding
this heart which is beating/pulsing
and when the absence .....................
and fulls the universe
i couldnt do nothing, but just find your soul
and maybe find
maybe you
maybe you
look at me
no1 else
doesnt want you
like I do,(like)I need you
because its ya
because its me
look at me
no1 else
doesnt want you
like I do,(like)I need youi
If our mornings
look like..dust
then reject me
but I just cant
shut up(close my mouth)
the noise there
when theres a calm wind
open slightly the univers
my love anxiety/inquietude is hiding
a desire for happiness

Peut-être toi

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