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  • Nelly Correia

    Aldeia das minhas raízes → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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Aldeia das minhas raízes

No inverno à minha aldeia
Branca de neve vestida
Reinava a luz da candeia
E o sabor de boa comida
Ao chegar a Primavera
Belas flores iam brotando
Voltavam as andorinhas
E sons de pardais cantando
Que belas memórias
Tenho pra contar
São tantas histórias
Histórias de incantar
Momentos felizes
Vivi lá na aldeia
Das minhas raízes
À luz da candeia
Em noites quentes de verão
Nas famosas Romarias
Reinava o acordeão
Dançavam Manés e Marias
No outono às desfolhadas
Reinava o Milho-Rei
Iam todos p´ras noitadas
Tantas danças que eu bailei
Que belas memórias
Tenho pra contar
São tantas histórias
Histórias de incantar
Momentos felizes
Vivi lá na aldeia
Das minhas raízes
À luz da candeia

The village of my roots

My village in the winter,
Dressed in white snow,
Brimmed with candle light
And the taste of good food
When spring came
Beautiful flowers started blooming
And the swallows
And the sounds of sing sparrows
Came back
What beautiful memories
I have to tell
So many stories
Enchanting stories
Happy M\memories
I lived there in the village
Of my roots
In the candle light
In the warm summer nights
During the famous Romerías
The air brimmed with the sound of the accordion
All the Manuels and Marias went dancing
During the corn-husking season of the fall
The village brimmed with maize
Everyone went to the parties at night
I danced so many dances
What beautiful memories
I have to tell
So many stories
Enchanting stories
Happy moments
I lived there in the village
Of my roots
In the candle light