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この世の記憶に刻むため 歩き続けるBeliever
誰にも見れないユメを見て 要らないものは全て捨てた
ゆずれない想い この胸に宿して
まだ現実(リアル)と理想(イデアル)の狭間にいて 犠牲の枷に足をとられても
溢れる衝動押さえきれない 強く求める心があるから
「偽り」「恐れ」「虚飾」「憂い」 様々なネガティブに
とらわれるほど弱くはない 孤独も知らぬTrickster
夜空を突き刺すビルの群れ 星など見えない宙(そら)見上げ
「迷いはないか」と 自分に問いかける
この街中溢れるモノにまみれ うつつを抜かすようなことは無い
未来(あす)へと繋がる道の果てで この手に掴むものを見たいから
瞼を閉じ意識の海に浮かんで 思い描く 理想を手にするそのときを
限りある「生」をこの世に受け 枯れゆくだけは愚かに等しい
他の誰もが持ち得ないもの 「自分自身」という名の結晶へ
キレイゴトを突き通すこと いつか真実(まこと)へ変わる
頑に信じ続けたい It's just my faith. The absolute truth.
流れる時間(とき)の中瞬く 刹那的煌めきを
この世の記憶に刻むため 歩き続けるBeliever


As a glow of light instantaneously twinkles amidst the flowing time
I’m a believer who keeps walking to carve it into the memories of the world
I had a dream that no one else could and threw away everything I didn’t need
With the feelings that I couldn’t surrender sleeping within my heart
I am still trapped between reality and ideals although the shackles of sacrifice keep my feet from moving
I can’t hold back the impulses flooding in myself because my heart strongly craves
Deceit, Fear, Vanity and Grief – I’m not that fragile enough
To be seized by all these kinds of negativities; I’m a trickster who knows no solitude
Among flocks of buildings piercing the night sky, I stare at the sky with no stars around
I’m asking myself: “Do you have no regrets?”
I will never get lost in those things that have swarmed into the whole town
For at the end of the road that leads to the future, I hope to see what I clasp in my hands
I close my eyes and float in the sea of my consciousness, waiting for the time to come when I can possess the ideals I’ve pictured
To be given limited birth into the world and wither away is naught but a foolish act
I have it in myself to pick up my own crystal that nobody else could hold
Persisting with being an idealist will one day reveal a piece of truth
I want to keep believing that it’s just my faith: the absolute truth
As a glow of light instantaneously twinkles amidst the flowing time
I’m a believer who keeps walking to carve it into the memories of the world