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  • Beskućnik → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen


Kada mi kažu lep ti je život
Lagan ti hod, širok ti osmeh
Ti mora da si rastao pod suncem i palmama
Zvezda je po tebi dobila ime
Držiš fabrike oblaka
I njušiš lovu kao lovački pas
Tako lako pričaš sa ljudima
Na sedam jezika umeš da pevaš
Pod tvojim rečima srca sva pucaju
Priča se da znaš i da glumiš
Ali ne može svako da vidi
Da ta ti je veština najjača
A nemaš dom, dom, a nemaš dom
Gde ti je dom, dom, gde ti je dom?
Život mi je lijep jer ga šaram
Lagan mi hod jer mi je svejedno
A osmijeh je samo na sjećanja
Jedino srce što je puklo kao asfalt,
na ovom besciljnom putu što ne vodi kući,
Je moje
Oči laika vide čovjeka
Al' su slijepe za ono dijete
Što u njemu zove upomoć
Jer nema dom, dom, dom
Gdje mi je dom, dom, gdje mi je dom?
Jer nema dom, dom, jer nema dom
Gdje mi je dom, dom, gdje mi je dom?


When they tell me "your life is beautiful"
A slow walk, a wide smile
You must have grown under the sun and palm trees
The star was named after you
You run factories of clouds
And you sniff money like a hunting dog
You talk to people so easily
You can sing in seven languages
With your words, hearts get broken
It's said that you know and act
But not everyone can see
Yes, that's your strongest skill
And you don't have a home, a home, and you don't have a home
Where is your home, home, where is your home?
My life is beautiful because I paint it1
It's easy for me to walk because I don't care
And my smile is just a memory
The only heart that's broken like asphalt,
On this aimless road that doesn't lead to a home,
is mine
The eyes of a layman see a man
But they are blind to that child
Who's screaming inside "help"
Because he has no home, home, home
Where is my home, home, where is my home?
Because he has no home, home, because he has no home
Where is my home, home, where is my home?
  • 1. by myself
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