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  • Cântă cucu'n Bucovina → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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Cântă cucu'n Bucovina

Cântă cucu, bată-l vina
De rasună Bucovina!
Cântă cucu-n tru-n brăduț
De răsună-n Cernăuți, măi, măi!
Cântă cucu-n tru-n brăduț
De răsună-n Rădăuți, măi, măi!
Cântă cucu sus pe casă,
Toți feciorii stau la masă, măi, măi!
Nici nu beau, nici nu manâncă,
Tare-s supărați si cântă măi, măi!
Cântă toți de supărare,
Că au ordin de plecare,măi, măi!
Bucovină, draga mea,
Nu știu de te-om mai vedea măi, măi!
Bucovină, plai cu flori,
Unde sunt ai tăi feciori? măi, măi
Au fost duși în altă țară
Dar se-ntorc la primăvară,
Înapoi când or veni
Tot pe tine te-or iubi, mai, mai!
Cântă cucu-ntro grădină
Dup-a noastră Bucovină,
Cântă-n vârful fagului,
În Codrii Cosminului mai, mai!
Cântă cucu cu dor mult,
Bucovină te-am pierdut,
Cântă cucu-n zori pe rouă,
Bucovina-i ruptă-n două, mai, mai!
Munților cu creasta rară
Nu lăsați Straja să piară!
Că de piere Straja voastră,
Moare România noastră, mai, mai”

The Cuckoo Is Singing In Bukovina

Cuckoo be damned, its song
Echoes all over Bukovina!
The Cuckoo is singing atop a fir tree,
It echoes all over Chernivtsi, măi, măi!
The Cuckoo is singing atop a fir tree,
It echoes all over Rădăuți, măi, măi!
The Cuckoo is singing on the house,
All the lads are sitting at the table, măi, măi!
They're not eating, nor drinking,
They're grieving and singing, măi, măi!
They're singing away their sadness
Cuz they recieved orders to leave, măi, măi!
My dear Bukovina,
I don't know when we'll see echother again, măi, măi!
Bukovina, land of flowers,
Where are your sons? măi, măi
They've been taken to another country
But they'll be back by Spring,
When they will return
They will still love you, măi, măi!
The Cuckoo is singing in a garden,
Crying for our Bukovina,
Its singing atop a beech tree,
In the Cosmin Forest1, măi, măi!
The Cuckoo is singing full of longing,
Bukovina, we lost you!
The Cuckoo is singing in the dawn's dew,
Bukovina's split in two 2, măi, măi!
You scattered mountain range,
Don't lower your guard!
If your watch shall come to pass,
Our dear Romania will also die, măi, măi!
  • 1. In 1497 a battle took place at the Cosmin Forest (the hilly forests separating Chernivtsi and Siret valleys), at which Stephen III of Moldavia (Stephen the Great), managed to defeat the much-stronger but demoralized army of King John I Albert of Poland. The battle is known in Polish popular culture as "the battle when the Knights have perished" (source: wikipedia)
  • 2. As a result of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, the USSR demanded not only Bessarabia but also Northern Bukovina from Romania on June 26, 1940. (Bukovina bordered Eastern Galicia, which the USSR had annexed during the Invasion of Poland.) Initially, the USSR wanted the whole of Bukovina. Nazi Germany, which was surprised by the Soviet claim to Bukovina, invoked the German ethnics living in the region. As a result, the USSR only demanded the northern, overwhelmingly Ukrainian part, arguing that it was a "reparation for the great loss produced to the Soviet Union and Bassarabia's population by twenty-two years of Romanian domination of Bassarabia". Following the Soviet ultimatum, Romania ceded Northern Bukovina, which included Cernăuți, to the USSR on June 28, 1940. (source: wikipedia)
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