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Sprachen tauschen

Wypadek w kopalni

Wypiliśmy po kilka luf,
bimber ze starką dymił z głów,
i nagle alarm, na ratunek trzeba gnać!
Przodownik pracy wpadł pod zwał,
ot, stachanowiec pecha miał
i zasypało właśnie jego, kurna mać!
Miał z krążownika/oficerskie gwiazdki dwie,
wzór dla załogi, to się wie,
do czynu rwał się - no bo któż by, jak nie on?
Węgiel fedrował dzielnie zuch,
jak nie za trzech, to choć za dwóch,
a dziś na łeb mu spadło skały parę ton…
Już winda w ruch, a jeden druh,
po trzech wyrokach, niesie słuch,
do przemyślenia daje nam aktualny stan:
Odkopać go? On jak ten sztorm
znów zacznie tłuc po kilka norm!
Dostanie medal, za to nam podniosą plan!
Działać nerwowo nie jest zdrowo,
tu trzeba z głową, daję słowo,
każdy centymetr trzeba sprawdzić, każdy cal!
służył w Tallinie przy Stalinie,
dziś pod zawałem biedak ginie,
a nam go, tak po ludzku, szczerze żal...
tł. Leszek Berger

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   Mi, 25/11/2020 - 03:50

Hi Us (Wąs)

I didn't write this text now, it is just approx. 10 yrs. old, or even a bit more. But I am glad that I made a surprize to you.

Yes, when I translate "into" Polish as my mother tongue, I always respect singability, rhymes and so on. To be true,I am singing every single line of text just during translation. But as a consequence, some details of my version differ from the original of Volodia. I hope, however, the main ideas as well as the Volodias black humor remain neither killed nor destroyed.
Please read it using the Google Translator. and write what do you think about this.

I'd like to use your declaration to obtain your help by some other song in future, because my Russian, especially colloquial, is not very strong. When I was translating the Ugolovnyy Codex, I had no idea that "musor" is not only a trash, but also the police. If it were not for my friend from Ukraine, I would fool around in front of the whole world...

Starka is not a most popular kind of vodka here, but was (and still is) drunk also a lot of centuries ago, in times as our countries conducted some wars, including mutual military visits in our respectivelu in Warsaw and Moscow ;)
Żubrówka, well, is also OK. It is known also as "szarlotka" = "apple cake", since a lot of people, in particular ladies, drink it with apple juice (1 part vodka, 1...3 parts apple juice)

Have a nice morning/ noon/ evening, wherever you are at the moment ;)

   Mi, 25/11/2020 - 04:46

Please find below a kind of quick back-translation, sorry for all errors, mistakes etc. :

Мы выпили несколько стаканов
самогон со старкой дымили из голов,
и вдруг срабатывает тревога, надо спешить на помощь!
Лидер труда попал под завал,
просто незадачливый стахановец
и это был акуратно он, черт возьми!

У него было две звезды крейсера (офицер),
пример для бригады, ето ясно
он хотел действовать - кто, как не он ?
Уголь храбро добывал,
если не как троих, то хоть как двоих,
но сегодня ему на голову упало несколько тонн камней ...

Лифт уж в движении, вдруг один друг,
после трех (тюремных) заключений, как о нем говорят,
заставляет нам переосмыслить текущую ситуацию:
Выкопать его? Он начнет как шторм
снова выполнять несколько (3) норм !
Он медаль получит, а нам план поднимут!

нервно работать - ето нездорово
надо работать с головой/, даю слово,
нужно проверять каждый сентиметр, каждый дюйм!
служил он в Таллинне при Сталине,
сегодня бедняк гибнет под завалом,
а нам - так по человечески - его жалко ...

   Mi, 25/11/2020 - 05:26

Of course one of the words "officer" or "cruiser" should be moved to footnotes.

I hope every point stressed by you have been understood during the translation. The external page of Vysocki is known to me, few years ago I sent them one or two of my translations but later discontinued.

"I nado ved'" seems to be understood, at least by myself, as a kind of "Gods justice" (nebo tak khotelo)

We Poles also lived under communists including Stalin, words like Stakhanovets are legible to us. Our most known stakhanovets was Wincenty Pstrowski. Have you seen the movie "Człowiek z marmuru" of Wajda?

Consequently, also the suggestion of the experienced "zek" - by me - colleague who served some sentences in prison, is also legible to me, and I hope - also to the readers of my version. Work "с прохладцей" = "without overheating themselves"... Also "checking every centimeter" suggests a kind of an Italian strike.

Kажется, что мы не сможем его спасти, но по-человечески нам его жалко.

   Do, 26/11/2020 - 03:29

Hi Us
once again to the "Man of Marble" an old movie mentioned in our last session here.
This is a very special film from 1976-7 which contributed massively to make some new order in humans heads after all years of the communism in Poland and-or anywhere.
In this sense, it deserves some place in the same bookcase where the Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago" stands.
My sincere recommendation, both for this movie as well as its sequel from 1981 named "Man of Iron".
P.S. Unfortunately, we have just something like a relapse of communist disease in PL, this time in a far-right version.

   Do, 26/11/2020 - 10:35

OK, I am not very eager to watch movies, so that also you don't treat my recommendation as obligatory.
Besides, Kieślowski is known, but Wajda is still "knowner", also in USA ;)
And, thanks to Internet, you do not must swim across )or fly) the ocean anymore in order to watch European movies.
From Guardian:
"With the slight relaxation of censorship, Wajda returned to overt political subjects, reflecting on the immediate past with Man of Marble (1977), a bold, no-frills, no-holds-barred story on the life of a worker-hero of the Stalinist 50s who falls from official favour, relevant in audiences’ minds to the crushing of the workers’ action in Gdańsk in 1970.

Like his hero, Wajda was thought to have gone over the official limits, and the film’s release was held up for four years. “His theatrical and film output and the interviews he gives demonstrate that, in ideological and political terms, he is not with us. He takes the stand, often met with in artists, of an impartial judge of the history of our days.” So read a passage from the file on Wajda kept by the censors’ office.

Man of Iron (1981), the sequel to Man of Marble, leapt off the screen as freshly as the day’s headlines. Filmed under enormous pressure during the actual events, it took the personal story of the son of the hero of the first film (played by the same actor, Jerzy Radziwiłowicz), and set it against the wider struggle for the recognition of Solidarity. The interest of the two “Man” films, told in a straightforward, unfussy narrative technique, depended to a large extent on their political topicality. Yet Wajda’s recognition of the fragility of the people making history, and his avoidance of heroics, continues to keep a hold after the events depicted have moved into the dim past."

In 2 series, Russian language:
(I hope that it works)

   Mi, 25/11/2020 - 05:46

I hope so, even if the needs of a singable translation forced me to some discrepancies etc.
I told already in one discussion with the Russian colleagues here, that one of main reasons why I translate a song is my own need to understand it better and deeper.

I take direction bed, is just morning here in Warsaw...