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  • St. Sol



Providence Liedtext

The Book of Times's forever hidden
From those who are impure at heart.
The Book of Knowledge is forbidden
For those with horse before the cart.


Übersetzungen von „Providence“
St. Sol: Top 3
St. SolSt. Sol
   Di, 21/09/2021 - 02:07

He who always does the right thing (like putting articles before the horse :) ) will never acquire a deeper knowledge or understanding.

Kevin RainbowKevin Rainbow    Di, 21/09/2021 - 04:27

A syllable is missing in the second line. How about "From those who are impure of heart"?

Kevin RainbowKevin Rainbow    Di, 21/09/2021 - 15:52

You are pronouncing it incorrectly on purpose?
Perhaps spell it "impurè" to let people know the silent e is not silent here.

St. SolSt. Sol
   Di, 21/09/2021 - 16:03

Why? [imˈpyo͝or] has a long 'oo' sound to match the iambic meter.