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Sprachen tauschen

Весна Сорок Пятого Года

Земля повернулась навстречу весне,
Хорошая нынче погода.
Такою порой вспоминается мне
Весна сорок пятого года.
Проходят года, но не меркнет вдали
И горе, и подвиг народа.
Мы трудной дорогой к победе пришли
Весной сорок пятого года.
А если ты молод и позже рождён,
Прими эстафетою с хода
Победным салютом и первым дождём
Весну сорок пятого года.
Страшна для врагов и светла для друзей
Рабочая наша порода.
Есть в каждой победе твоей и моей
Весна сорок пятого года.
Да будет ракетою ввысь взметена,
В прозрачную высь небосвода
Для всех поколений, на все времена
Весна сорок пятого года!

The spring of '45

Earth has turned toward spring
The weather is good now
Such a season reminds me
Of the spring of '45
Years go by, but neither grief
Nor the people's struggle fades away1
We came by a difficult road to victory
In the spring of '45
And if you are young and were born later
Take the baton and continue the race
With the victory salute and the first rain
Carry on the spring of '45
Fearsome to our enemies and bright for friends
Is our working breed
There is in each victory of yours and mine
The spring of '45
Let it be launched skyward like a rocket
To the transparent heights of the firmament
For all generations, for all time:
The spring of '45!
  • 1. In the original the predicate precedes the subject in these lines, but this is difficult to reproduce in English.
Олег Л.Олег Л.    Fr, 24/09/2021 - 08:00

Of course, it is difficult to understand the foreign lyrics. I think that in this context прими эстафетою с хода means поприветствуй.

Прими эстафетою с хода
Победным салютом и первым дождём
Весну сорок пятого года.

Welcome (greet) the spring of '45 with the victory salute and the first rain.

The last verse.
Let the spring of '45 be launched skyward like a rocket.

IsraelWuIsraelWu    Fr, 24/09/2021 - 08:37

Прими эстафетою с хода
It's directly from a relay race. It says roughly do not stop, take the baton running/on the run and start leading (the one who holds the baton is the leader) with the victory salute and first rain....How do you fit it in is for you to decide but this is what it means.

Олег Л.Олег Л.    Fr, 24/09/2021 - 09:42

Прими весну сорок пятого года как эстафету sounds good.
But then the line "победным салютом и первым дождём" выпадает, doesn't fit.

Maybe then

Take the spring of '45 like a baton
Together with the victory salute and the first rain

IsraelWuIsraelWu    Fr, 24/09/2021 - 12:22

No, no, not like this. Relay race (in Russian - эстафета ) is a team competition (4 runners in a team) where the running member holds the baton and runs. Let's say it's 4x200 m. The first start from 0, the next is placed around 200 m, another at 400 m and so on. When the first one comes to 200 m, the second starts running and they run one next to another for a couple of meters while the baton is passed "on the run", when they are parallel. The baton shouldn't fall to the ground as it ensures a failure (major loss of time). Your guy is/was too young to fight in '45, but he takes the baton on the run and continues the tradition, salutes the memory of '45 and the spring rain. The baton says it's now his watch, his responsibility. I don't think you should try to use a metaphoric baton as a real prop in this song

   Fr, 24/09/2021 - 22:58

Updated, I got a little confused by the use of the instrumental case there.

In English, the concept of "passing the baton" has a similar connotation of continuing someone's responsibility. See for example So I don't think it's necessary to explain the metaphor in the translation.