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  • Shizuka Kudō

    Superstition → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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いそしぎが飛ぶ 波打ち際に
流れついてる 茶色の小瓶
揺れて 光る...
朝日のように あなたを包む
そんな愛情 私の中で 燃えては
そんなコトは 迷信だと 笑った人
夢よ 醒めないで
季節はずれの 白いコテージ
今頃 街は valentine の
甘い メロディ
いくつかの恋 たどる足跡
めぐり逢えたと叫びたいほど 幸福(しあわせ)
細くて 長い小指がひどい不幸を呼ぶ
そんなコトは 迷信だと 笑った人
僕を見つめて生きてゆけよと 抱きしめたの
夢よ 醒めないで
地平線 オレンジの輝きが
私を なぜか 幼くする
そんなコトは 迷信だと 笑った人
悪い方へと考えるくせ なおしたいと
夢よ 醒めないで


Seagulls fly along the shore
A small brown bottle drifts along
Swaying and Shining...
I embrace you like the morning sun
Such an affection, burning within me
Igniting passionately
A mole on the nape of my neck brings me terrible misfortune
Those who laughed at me called it a superstition
I yearn to change their tendency to think negatively
Oh dream, don't fade away
(There is) an out-of-season white cottage
By now, the town is filled with the sweet melody of Valentine
(A) Sweet melody
(following) the few footsteps of love
I want to shout that I'm so happy to have met you
I could easily cry
My long, thin pinky brings me terrible misfortune
Those who laughed at me called it a superstition
You looked at me and hugged me, telling me to keep on living.
Oh dream, don't fade away
The orange glow on the horizon
For some reason, makes me feel so young
A mole on the nape of my neck brings me terrible misfortune
Those who laughed at me called it a superstition
I yearn to change their tendency to think negatively
Oh dream, don't fade away