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Dering Notre Dame [The Bells of Notre Dame]

Pagi di Paris, kota dibangunkan gema di Notre Dame
Nelayan menjala
Pembuat roti bangun ke nan Notre Dame
Gema loceng bagai halilintar adakala selembut bayu
Ada yang kata, "Jiwa kota raya bergema"
Loceng di Notre Dame
Malam kelam, bermula cerita, pelabuhan Notre Dame
Empat kaum Gipsi mencari tempat berlindung di Notre Dame
Namun perangkap telah dibuat
Alangkah terkejut mereka
Timbul si dia yang berkuku besi bak loceng
Loceng di Notre Dame
Si Claude Frollo mahu hentikan kejahatan
Dia lihat korupsi merata, tidak diri
Archdeacon (Frollo)
Lihat sahaja darah yang mengalir di karangan Notre Dame (Saya tak bersalah. Dia lari, saya kejar)
Mahu kaumenambah dosa bayi terkorban di Notre Dame? (Saya 'dah terangkan tadi)
Tipulah pada satu dunia
Tak mungkin kaurasa bersalah
Tapi ingatlah takkan kau terselamat dari-Nya
Di karangan Notre Dame
Buat pertama kalinya ketika berkuasa, Frollo berasa takut akan dosa dibuat
Kurung sahaja si dia
Jangan dia dijumpa
Moga 'kan tiba masa dia 'kan berguna kepadaku
Ini teka-teki, apa jawabnya?
Bertanya Sang Notre Dame, "Siapa raksasa, siapa manusia?"
Dengar dering, dering, dering, dering
Dering Notre Dame

The Ringing of Notre Dame

In this morning in Paris, the city is woken up by the resonance of Notre Dame
The fishermen go fishing
The breadmakers rise up to head to the Notre Dame
The resonance of the bells are like the thunderbolt, sometimes as soft as a breeze
Some people say, "The soul of the great city resonates"
The bells in Notre Dame
In the gloomy night, the story begins in the port of Notre Dame
There were four Romani people who were finding shelter in Notre Dame
However, a trap was made
How shocked they were
The one that has iron claws, as tough as the bells
The bells in Notre Dame
The only Claude Frollo wants to stop all the evils
He watches the corruption everywhere but not in himself
Archdeacon (Frollo)
Look at this blood that flows in the compound of Notre Dame (I am innocent. She ran, I ran after her)
Do you want to add the sin of the death of this baby in Notre Dame? (I have explained just now)
Try to deceive to the whole world
It is impossible for you to feel guilty
But you shall remember that you cannot be saved from Him
In the compound of Notre Dame
For the first time ever when he is in power, Frollo was afraid of the sins that he commited
Just imprison him
Do not let him be found
I hope, the time when he will be useful to me would arrive
This is a riddle, what is its answer?
The Notre Dame asks, "Who is the monster, who is the man?"
Listen to the ringing, ringing, ringing, ringing
The ringing of Notre Dame