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  • Christos Dantis

    Έχεις εμένα → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

You have me

You have me, my eyes, you have me
Don't be afraid of anything and no one
You have me, my light, you have me
I'll turn into blood in your veins if it is needed
You have me, my eyes, you have me
That I offer my soul for only one look of yours
You have me, my light, you always have me
To take care of you since you don't
I'll be here
I'll be here
I'll always be here
I'll be here
I'd even become wind
To scare off your cloudiness
For the sake of nobody
Your heart should wear black
I would gather all the hands of the earth
And caress you for a thousand nights

Έχεις εμένα

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