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  • Thalía

    El próximo viernes → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

The Next Friday

Hello Baby,
How have you been?
maybe you don't know who's calling
or maybe you've forgot it
Baby I'm not so bad
baby you know I love you
let's go out friday
to speack clearly
and maybe I could steal a kiss of your mouth
and you stop believing I'm not much
and maybe I could explain to you
maybe you don't understand that I need you
maybe I could hug you so tenderly
to make your doubts fade away
I know that I failed you
but tell me who has never made a mistake
maybe you don't want to see me again
but let me kiss your forehead again
maybe I ask to see you again
the next friday
maybe I could steal a kiss your mouth
and you stop believing I'm not much
and myabe I could explain to you
maybe you don't understand that I need you
maybe I could hug you so tenderly
to make your doubts fade away
I know that I failed you
but tell me who has never made a mistake
maybe you don't see me again
but let me kiss your forehead again
maybe I ask to see you again
the last friday...
The next friday

El próximo viernes

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