Translations from English to German

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<a href="/de/translator/sony26" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1111487">sony26 <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Beigetreten: 22.04.2012
Pending moderation

can anyone help me translating the following letter:

"Mit bezug auf Ihren Antrag und nach Rucksprache mit der Zentraistelle fur Ausiandisches Bildungswesen teile ich Ihnen mit, da der vonIh Ihnen erworbene abschluss noch nicht ais Zulassungsvoraussetzung fur ein Promotionsstudium an der Philosophischen Fakultat Universitat bonn anerkannt werden kann.
Als bildungsnachweis haben sie eine vorlaufige Studienbescheinigung der Daffodil international university uber die Verleihung des “masters of Arts in English” des bachelor of Arts with honors in English” sowie die notenubersichten der beiden Abschiusse vorgelegt. Gem 7 Abs. 1 muss ein qualifizierte Abschluss belegt. Daher reichen Sie bitte noch die urkunden des BA. Und MA. Abschlusses ein.
Damit kann eine volle inhaltliche Gleichwertigkeit bestatigt werden, solite einFachgesprach gefuhrt werden in dem auch die masters thesis einbezogen werden soliten. Bei positivem Ergebnis dieses Fachgesprachs sowie dem nachweise der Deutsch. Oder englischkenntnisse sind die voraussetzungen fur eine Promotion an der Philosophischen fakuLtat erfullt." thank you..

<a href="/de/translator/sony26" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1111487">sony26 <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Beigetreten: 22.04.2012

translate in ENGLISH appreciated and the letter is in GERMAN language

Moderator/in außer Dienst and Scholar of a Dark Age
<a href="/de/translator/sciera" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1077079">Sciera </a>
Beigetreten: 16.02.2011

@sony26: Why do you ask this in the Persian forum? I moved it to the right sub-forum.
Well, I've tried to translate the letter. I'm a native speaker of German.
There are very many spelling mistakes in the german text you provided. And there seem to be a few words missing at the point where I wrote (...?).

"Concerning your request and after having consulted the central department of foreign education I inform you that the degree you have achieved can't yet be accepted as admission requirement for doctoral study on the philosophical faculty of the Bonn university.
As a verification of education you have provided a preliminarily certificate of matriculation/studies of the Daffodil international university concerning the awarding of the "Master of Arts in Engish", the "Bachelor of Arts with honors in English" as well as the overview of the grades of both degrees.
In accordance with 7 paragraph 1 a qualified degree needs to be verified. Because of this please provide the certificates of the BA and MA degrees.
A technical discussion should be conducted in which also the master thesis is being talked about, so that a full equivalence concerning the contents can be confirmed.
If this discussion has a positive result as well as (...?) Verification of German language skills or English language skills are the condition of a graduation on the philosophical faculty."

Summary: If you want to study there you need to provide them the certificates of the BA and MA degrees, talk to them about the master thesis and give them a verification that you have english (and/or?) german language skills.