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  • BYU Choir

    I Love The Lord (Be Still My Soul) → Übersetzung auf Tonganisch

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I Love The Lord (Be Still My Soul)

I love the Lord, in Him my soul delights.
Upon His word, I ponder day and night.
He's heard my cry, brought visions to my sleep,
And kept me safe o'er deserts and the deep.
He's filled my heart with His consuming love,
And borne me high on wings of His great dove.
Yet oft I groan, "O wretched man am I"
My flesh is weak and Im encompassed by
A world of sin, which holds me in its thrall,
If I give in and to temptations fall.
Then strength grows slack, I waste in sorrows vale;
My peace destroyed, my enemies prevail.
Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin.
Rejoice, my heart! And let me praise again,
The Lord my God, who is my rock and stay
To keep me strict upon His straight, plain way.
Oh let me shake at the first sight of sin
And thus escape my foes without and in.
I love the Lord, In him my soul delights.

'Oku ou 'ofa kia Sīsū

'Oku ou 'ofa kia Sīsū, pea nekeneka 'eku laumaalie 'ia te ia.
Fakatatau ki hono folofola, 'oku ou fakakau'i 'i he 'aho mo e pō.
Na'a ne fanongo 'eku lotu, 'o ne 'o atu ngaahi kikite ki hoku miji.
Pea na'a ne malu'i au 'i he ngaahi toafa pea mo e loloto.
Na'a ne fakafonu 'eku loto mo 'ene manava'ofa,
'O ne 'o'ofaki'i au 'i he kapakau 'o 'ene lupe māfimafi.
Kaekehe 'oku tu'olahi 'eku pehē fakato'eto'e, "Aue, ha tama ta'efiefia ko au."
Vaivai hoku 'atamai pea 'o'ofaki'i kakato 'e au 'i ha...
Maama fonu angahala, 'a ia 'oku puke'i au 'i ho'ono pule
'E kapau 'e fo'i au ki he to faka'ahi'ahi
Kae tupu vale 'e mālohi, pea maumau'i au kita 'i he tālalo 'o e mamahia
Kuo 'auha 'eku melino, pea ikuna 'eku ngaahi fili.
'Aa hake, sihoku laumaalie! 'I he 'ikai to hifo koe mo e angahala.
Nekeneka'i, 'e sihoku loto! Pea 'ai keu toe fakafeta'i kia te koe
Ko e 'Eiki ko 'eku 'Otua, 'a ia ko 'eku maka mo e nofo
Ke ne tauhi ma'u au 'i hono hala angatonu mo 'ilongofua.
'Aue, ke ke lulululu'i au 'i he mamata 'uluaki 'o e angahia
Pea ko ia 'oku fehao'aki 'eku ngaahi fili mei 'i tu'a pea mo 'i loto.
'Oku ou 'ofa kia Sīsū, pea nekeneka 'eku laumaalie 'ia te ia.