En by i Rusland

Von Mizzycool2 am 2020-02-22 eingetragen

Idiomatische Übersetzungen von „En by i Rusland“

böhmische Dörfer

Bedeutungen von „En by i Rusland“


"A town in Russia". Something that is completely inconceivable or that you cannot imagine possible in a particular context. Can also be used in the context of something that is completely foreign or unknown.

"Is sarcasm a town in Russia to you?"

Erklärt von Mizzycool2Mizzycool2 am Sa, 22/02/2020 - 13:42
Explained by Mizzycool2Mizzycool2

„En by i Rusland“ in Songtexten

The Lion King 1½ (OST) - Føl Hvordan Dit Liv Bli'r Fyldt [Can You Feel the Love Tonight]

Sarkasme er en by i Rusland for dig, hva' Pumba? Se!